
Monday, September 7, 2009

LifeBites #3

“True love is when you are mind and heart are saying the same thing” -- Tywanna Sutton Motivational Speaker

Many of you have heard me talk about how you know if someone is healthy for you -- Your heart and head need to be on the same page. For example: If you have a lot of heart and it does not make logical sense, i.e., he is married, does not show up for you, not geographically desirable, etc., or the opposite; he looks good on paper, but you have no heart or soul connection even though you try to rationalize that he is good for you.

So many times we want the dream or fantasy of what we created in our mind or heart to be real, we lose sight of what is. As an exercise this week, be honest with yourself. If you ask, "is your mind and heart in union?” If “yes,” you know you are in the right relationship. If the answer is “no” then look at the reasons why you are not aligned with what you truly want in life.

Write it down on paper, so you can become clearer in the process. If need be, talk it out with someone. The goal is to allow the truth to come to the light. It’s in that “truth” that real love can happen.

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